Neck Injuries

The neck is a fragile part of the body that has a lot of muscles, nerves, bones and connective tissue present. When it is in proper working order, you should have no trouble looking up, looking down, tilting your head from side to side and rotating it from the right to the left. When an injury takes place, it can happen in a matter of seconds and there are several things that can cause it.


The word “strain” is often used out of context. People often think it relates to ligaments and tendons, when in actuality it relates to muscles. A strained neck takes place when muscle fibers get torn when a contraction is being produced during movement. They can range in severity. When they are microscopic, slight pain can be felt. When they are more severe, pain can be accompanied with overstretched muscles and internal bleeding. Too much tension from heavy weight lifting, whiplash and overuse are all causes of a strain.

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The neck muscles are often times overlooked when it comes to strengthening and stretching. If they are weak and tense, they can seize up into a tight muscle contraction called a “spasm.” Postural distortions, overuse, being overly stressed and sitting at a desk for long periods of time can cause this injury to take place. Massaging the neck can h

elp work out the spasm.


The bones in the neck are very delicate. They can become broken when they are met with a high impact such as a sports accident, car accident or from falling down. Neck fractures are very serious and they can lead to paralysis if the spinal cord is damaged as well. If the paralysis is major, you can lose permanent feeling in your arms and legs. In the worst of cases, it can be fatal. If a neck fracture is not that severe, you can experience pain, slight paralysis, numbness and tingling sensations.


When you neck gets injured, it can also be felt in other parts of the body. An injury called a “stinger” or “burner,” takes place when the neck is forced to excessively tilt or rotate an unnatural way. A burning, tingling sensation can be felt in the arms, shoulders and neck when you get one of these. This is another impact injury that often happens in contact sports like football.

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