Monthly Archives: February 2013
Blood clots
Blood clots are healthy and lifesaving when they stop bleeding. However, bloodclots can also form abnormally, causing a heart attack, stroke, or other serious medical problem. How Does Blood Clot? Blood has a seemingly impossible job: it must flow continuously and smoothly for an … Continue reading
Long Post About Seeds…….but good one
by John Summerly,They come in all different sizes, shapes and colours. The seed is an embryonic plant itself and the origin of nutrition. A plant goes to great lengths to produce each seed and fill it with high concentrations of … Continue reading
WiFi and cell phone radiation….
(NaturalNews) 99 percent of the population continue to use WiFi and other wireless devices without a second thought, but a growing number of people are becoming increasingly concerned with the health issues surrounding the use of these technologies. Didier Bellens … Continue reading
Common Eye Problems
There are several eye problems that are more common among people as they age, although they can affect anyone at any age. They include: Presbyopia. This is the loss of the ability to clearly see close objects or small print. It … Continue reading