

Home and Community based Services waiver for aged 60 and over.  Home and Community Services are available to individuals over the age of 60 and older to continue to live in their own homes and communities with support and services.



–To be a resident of Pennsylvania

–Be a U. S. citizen or qualified Non-Citizen

–Have a Social Security Number

–Be 60 or older

–Meet the level of care needs for Skilled Nursing Facility or a Special Rehabilitation   Facility

–Meet financial requirements as determined by the local County Assistance Office.



–Adult Daily Living Services

–Community Transition Services

–Companion Services

–Counseling Services

–Environmental Modifications

–Financial Management Services

–Home Delivered Meals

–Home Health Services

–Home Support Services – Options

–Non-Medical Transportation Services

–Personal Assistance Services

–Personal Care Services

–Personal Emergency Response System

–Respite Services

–Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies

–Other services may be available



Funding for care is provided by the Department of Public Welfare office of long term care at no cost for individuals who meet the financial requirements in the program.



Contact GENTLE CARE INC. at 610- 497 -1901 for information or email us at



Independence Waiver is designed to offer individuals under the guidelines of these programs the ability to live independently in the privacy of their own homes.

If you have a severe physical disability, the Independence waiver maybe able to help with you live or remain in the community and remain as independent as possible.



To be eligible for Independence Waiver, you must

–Be a resident of Pennsylvania

–Be 18-60  Individuals age 60 and older will be referred to the aging Waiver Program

Individuals who are physically disabled (but not with mental retardation or have a major mental disorder as a primary diagnosis or are ventilator dependent), who reside in a Nursing Facility (NF) or the community but who have been assessed to require services at the level of nursing facility level of care.

The Disability must result in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following:

Self-care, understanding and use of language, learning, mobility, self-direction and or capacity for independent living.

Meet the financial requirements as determined by the local County Assistance Office.



–Adult daily living services;  assistance with bathing, toileting, dressing, oral hygiene, meal preparation, assistance with eating, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, laundry.

–Assisted technology specialized medical equipment & supplies

–Community integrations services

–Community transition services

–Education services

–Environmental adaptations

–Visiting Nurse, Physical, Speech, occupational, and behavior therapy

–Non-Medical transportation services

–Personal assistance services

–Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)

–Respite services

–Service coordination

–Other services may be available



Funding for care is provided by the Department of Public Welfare office of long term care at no cost for individuals who meet the financial requirements in the program.



Contact   GENTLE CARE INC. at 610- 497 -1901 for information or email us at



Attendant Care /Act 150 Program are designed to offer individuals under the guidelines of these programs the ability to live independently in the privacy of their own homes.

If you have a physical disability, the Attendant Care Waiver and state funded Act 150 program may be available to you to continue to live in your home and community with support and services.


To be eligible for Attendant Care Services, you must:

Be a resident of Pennsylvania

Meet the level of care needs for a Skilled Nursing Facility or Special Rehabilitation Facility for the Medicaid Waiver.  Those not meeting the Skilled Nursing Facility or Special Rehabilitation Facility level of care may qualify for the Pa State funded ACT 150 Program.

Be between eighteen (18) and fifty-nine (59) years of age.

Be capable of hiring, firing, and supervising attendant care worker(s); managing your own financial affairs; and managing your own legal affairs

For the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Attendant Care Program, Meet the financial requirements as determined by your local County Assistance Office.

Have a medially determinable physical impairment that is expected to last of a continuous period of (12) twelve months.


–Personal Assistance Services;

–Assistance with activities of daily living including bathing, toileting, dressing, oral hygiene, meal preparation, assistance with eating, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, laundry.

–Community Transition Services, through Medicaid Home & Community Based Waiver Services

–Financial Management

–Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)

Supports Coordination Services



Funding for Care is provided by the Department of Public Welfare office of long term care at no cost for individuals who meet the financial requirements in the program.



Contact GENTLE CARE INC. at 610 -497 -1901 for information or email us at


GentleCareInc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, age, personal appearance, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability, or political affiliation.

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