The Misinformation Wave: Protein…

Whey Protein Dangers and Other Facts:

One of the most popular waves of misinformation is the protein binge everyone seems to be on. In almost every health and fitness magazine I see, there are countless articles about taking protein powders in the form of whey, egg, etc. There are a lot of various ideas and concepts when it comes to how much protein we should be consuming on a daily basis and where that protein comes from…

According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, the average American is consuming more than 50% of the protein they should be! What’s scary is that multiple scientific studies have shown that whey supplementation can increase tumors and certain types of cancers.


Also, eating excess protein ages you, and any excess that your body is not using gets stored as fat (contrary to popular myth), or eliminated through the kidneys (causing a leaching of calcium and can cause kidney stones).

How much do we need?
The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day to keep from slowly breaking down our tissues. That’s 8 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight, or 60 grams for a 150 pound person who is not an athlete. Some of those whey supplements have 50 grams per shake!

Look at the big picture when getting your protein. What else are you getting?
For example, A small 6-ounce steak has 40 grams of protein. But, it also comes with a whopping 38 grams of fat, 14 of them saturated! Whereas a cup of lentils provides you with 18 grams of protein, but under 1 gram of fat.

Plant based sources of protein, such as leafy green vegetables, beans, and sprouted grains, are excellent choices because they come with healthy fiber, and lots of phytonutrients.

When is the best time to eat protein?
After a workout, your body is better able to assimilate protein. Resistance exercise breaks down muscle, and an intake of amino acids is required shortly after your workout to repair and rebuild muscle. Protein also helps build enzymes that allow your body to adapt to endurance sports.

When is not a good time to consume protein?
Protein should not be consumed prior to exercise. Proteins draw water and blood into the stomach and can diminish your exercise performance. Due to increased time of gastric emptying and digestion, proteins should be eaten at least two hours before a cardio workout.

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