Side Effects of Painkillers….Highlighted in a strange color??

Side Effects of Painkillers


Prescription pain medication when consumed in a wrong way can result in nausea and vomiting. This is especially the case with painkillers containing morphine. If you have too much of this morphine pain killer, you are bound to get nauseous.


Painkillers can have a significant impact on the bowel movements. One consequence of this is constipation. This is a very problematic condition, as it can give rise to other health problems as well.


Just as you could experience nausea as a result of overdose of painkillers, dizziness is another similar effect of the pain relievers. When you take painkillers, what happens is that they relax the pain messages which are sent to the brain and in reaction to those signals. The result is a totally relaxed state of the body and a certain amount of drowsiness. This state could really put your life in danger while driving and would create problems in doing anything which requires logical judgment.


Cardiovascular Issues
In case someone already has a specific health condition where she has to take a certain medicine, painkillers can wreak havoc on the cardiovascular and respiratory system. The painkillers addiction in this situation could lead to respiratory depression which could be fatal. This is one of the very serious side effects.


Dryness of Mouth
Pain suppressants given for pain control obstruct the working of the salivary glands, causing dry mouth. 


Amongst other things, long term side effects of pain killers could be constricted pupils, menstrual irregularities, moodiness and severe constipation. To talk about side effects of pain medication, in fact addiction is one of the side effects of the pain killers, along with all the others mentioned above. More than over-the-counter pain medications, the prescribed painkillers have that quality of inducing addiction. Some of the addiction effects and side effects are-
Muscle Rigidity
Bradycardia – slow heart rate
Tachycardia – rapid heart rate
Elevated intracranial pressure
The side effects enumerated above are the most primary side effects, and they are more often than not experienced with regards to any kind of painkiller. Still, all painkillers do not have similar side effects. They may vary depending on what kind of painkiller it is.
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