ObamaCare facts…..

• ObamaCare is a hot button political issue and both sides of the isle will try to persuade you for or against it. You need THE FACTS on ObamaCare and the Health Care For America Plan.

Obamacare Facts• ObamaCare’s goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens.

• ObamaCare does not replace private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid

• Medicaid will be reformed and expanded in order to help cover more people, especially those below the poverty level.

• ObamaCare aims to improve community health care centers in an effort improve health care for those who cannot afford private health care.

• Affordable health coverage means American’s and their families pay what they can afford. Find out who wants to repeal ObamaCare.

• Did your health insurance premium go up? The Fact is ObamaCare puts a cap on insurance companies raising your premiums starting in 2013 and into 2014 in order to protect you from this. However if they raise your premium now they can grandfather you in. This type of behavior is the reason we need health care reform.

• Starting OCT 2013 insurance companies will compete to be your healthcare provider via an insurance exchange pool.

• Romney says Obamacare will increase the deficit, it doesn’t, it cuts the deficit by over a Trillion dollars over the next two decades.

• Romney wants to move ObamaCare to a state level like RomneyCare, find out why this is actually a tactic to repeal the popular healthcare program.

• American Employers with more than 50 employees need to provide comparable coverage, for which employers receivetax credits, to the Health Care for America Plan or pay a modest and fair Tax to support ObamaCare. (like the current state run unemployment and workers compensation programs)

• Only 3% of small businesses will have to pay the 3.8% ObamaCare tax, those making a taxable income of more than $250k (the first $250k isn’t subject to the tax). Unless Ma’ makes over $250k the Mom and Pop job creators will only gain better health care, not higher taxes. Learn the Truth Behind the ObamaCare Small Business Taxes, How They Effect America’s Biggest Job Creators.

• ObamaCare won’t cause 650,000 Jobs to be lost as some of it’s detractors say (the number isn’t even in the CBO report on The Affordable Care Act). The often misrepresented quote stated that the only job loss ObamaCare may actually cause are from those who cut back their hours since they will no longer have to rely on their jobs for their families health care. In fact most reports show that ObamaCare will create new jobs.

• If an American or their family chooses not to purchase healthcare through the Health Care for America Act they can buy private insurance. Those who chose to not participate will pay a penalty tax to help cover the rest of us. In other words no one is actually forcing you to have health insurance.

• Obamacare cuts $716 billion of waste from Medicare / Medicaid and cuts reimbursements to private Advantage plans and reinvests it into Obama’s health care reform. In other words $716 billion is saved and then $716 billion is reinvested back into Obamacare. Doctors and hospitals almost universally agree on this reform.

• 19 million Americans will receive tax credits to help pay for healthcare and most middle class Americans will actually save thousands on healthcare via tax cuts (this has been going on for the past 3 years already)

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