Understanding Stroke — Prevention

Understanding Stroke — Prevention

How Can I Prevent a Stroke?

Measures that reduce the chances of stroke are the same as those for avoiding heart attack. Adopt habits that promote cardiovascular health and deter atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The essentials of a healthy lifestyle include eating foods that are low in fat, salt, and cholesterol; exercising regularly; controlling weight; monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol levels; limiting alcohol; and not smoking.

A few other tips to prevent stroke:

Recommended Related to Stroke

Arm and Hand Exercises for Stroke Rehab

Regaining use of your arm after a stroke may feel like a daunting task. Among other things, your brain must relearn skills it lost when it was damaged by the stroke. Recent research, though, shows that the brain is amazingly resilient. It is capable of adapting and increasing activity after a stroke. This means it is possible to regain more use of the arm than was previously thought. Recovering use of your arm does bring special challenges, though — different than those experienced with the leg,…

Read the Arm and Hand Exercises for Stroke Rehab article > >

Get adequate treatment of atrial fibrillation. This heart arrhythmia can cause stroke.

Get treated for sleep apnea, if you have it.

Learn stress management techniques.


Control your diabetes, if you have it.

Limit alcohol use.

via Understanding Stroke — Prevention.

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